UOG Men’s Soccer Defeats Islanders 6-3 In GFA Men’s Futsal League

UOG Men’s Soccer Defeats Islanders 6-3 In GFA Men’s Futsal League

UOG Men’s Soccer Defeats Islanders 6-3 In GFA Men’s Futsal League

University of Guam

The University of Guam Men’s Soccer Team evened their record in the Guam Football Association Men’s Futsal League at 1-1-0 with a 6-3 victory over their GFA Division II rival the Islanders FC on Sunday at the Guam Sports Complex Gym.

The Tritons did a good job early, going out to a 3-0 lead on the Islanders and holding the lead for the rest of the game. Dylan Naputi scored 5 goals on the day for Tritons while Jacques Diambra scored the final UOG goal but also had several assists on Naputi’s his goals as well.

UOG led 4-3 at half-time and went on to the 6-3 victory as the Triton defense played very solid in the 2nd half.

UOG is now 1-1-0 in the GFA Men’s Fulsal League and plays next Sunday at 8:30 p.m. against PAPI FC in the Futsal League at the Guam Sports Complex Gym.