The UOG Women's Volleyball Team Wins Federation Match 2-1

The UOG Women's Volleyball Team Wins Federation Match 2-1

The UOG Women's Volleyball Team Wins Federation Match 2-1


University of Guam

The University of Guam Women's Volleyball Team defeated Pokai Jr.’s 2-1 in the Guam Volleyball Federation League on Friday night at the "Jungle" on the Father Duenas Memorial School campus.

The Lady Tritons played in a dominating style in the first set, not letting Pokai Jr.’s develop any offense as UOG won the game 25-8 to go up 1-0.

The 2nd set was much different. UOG was behind the whole start of the match. The Lady Tritons inally caught up at 10-10 but could never move ahead or gain real momentum. In the closing points of the match, UOG hurt itself with multiple service errors, which included the final point at 26-26. UOG served the ball into the net, and Pokai Jr.'s had the set 27-26 per the "Sudden Death" rule (sets to 25 end when the first team scores 27 points regardless of a 2 point lead or not.)

In the 3rd set to 15 points, UOG took an early lead 6-4, but Pokai Jr's went on a 6-point run to lead 10-6. UOG battled back and caught up at 11-11. But Pokai Jr.'s again made a run, and UOG found itself down to a match point for Pokai Jr.'s 14-12. The Tritons ran off 4 straight points to win 16-14.

UOG is now 3-2 in the Federation League and plays again on Thursday, March 30 at 7:00 p.m. against Au Mana back in the Jungle.