High School Students Demonstrate Skills at UOG Math Day

High School Students Demonstrate Skills at UOG Math Day

High School Students Demonstrate Skills at UOG Math Day

University of Guam

About 100 students from Southern High School, George Washington High School, John F. Kennedy High School and Okkodu High School all participated in the University of Guam 9th Annual Math Day held April 8, 2017.

About 100 students from Southern High School, George Washington High School, John F. Kennedy High School and Okkodu High School all participated in the University of Guam 9th Annual Math Day held April 8, 2017.  Hosted by the UOG Division of Mathematics and Computer Science, Math Day is an opportunity for high school students to demonstrate their skills in math by competing in a Math Quiz Competition as well as sit in a lecture that explores various fields in Mathematics.

Students were quizzed in two categories. Category I consisted of basic algebra questions while Category II consisted of precalculus material. Winners received an award and free math book titled Journey through Genius: The Great Theorems of Mathematics.

Category I Finalists

University of Guam

Sitting: Associate Professor of Mathematics Dr. Hideo Nagahashi, David Gugin, and Justin Tai. Standing: Professor and Division Chair of Computer Science and Mathematics Dr. Frank Lee, JFK math teacher Floraine San Pablo, JFK math teacher Rema Olaguera, JFK math teacher Francis Aguilar, Jean Clemente, Yvan Chu, Alvin Francisco, Maria Leones, Okkodu math teacher Judy Naz, Associate Professor of Mathematics Dr. Grazyna Badowski and Associate Professor of Mathematics Dr. Leslie Aquino.

Category II Finalists

University of Guam

Sitting: Sean Aguilar and Elijah Reyes. Standing: JFK math teacher Floraine San Pablo, JFK math teacher Rema Olaguera and JFK math teacher Francis Aguilar, Karl Adriano, Jeong-In Park, Josh Cepeda, Dianne De Leon, Professor and Division Chair of Computer Science and Mathematics Dr. Frank Lee, Associate Professor of Mathematics Dr. Grazyna Badowski, and Associate Professor of Mathematics Dr. Leslie Aquino.