College of Micronesia Graduates Earn Education Degrees from UOG

College of Micronesia Graduates Earn Education Degrees from UOG

College of Micronesia Graduates Earn Education Degrees from UOG

University of Guam / COM Graduates

Nine students from the College of Micronesia (COM) in Pohnpei recently earned their Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education from the University of Guam. The UOG School of Education (SOE) has an ongoing partnership with COM to provide on-site courses for education majors. 

In this photo (left to right):  Winner Donre, Pohnpei; Brenda Paul, Pohnpei; John Sanchez, UOG SOE Dean; Sweelyn Johnny, Pohnpei; Nickta Gilmete, Pohnpei;Nenty Nedelee, Chuuk; McNight Magiyeluw, Yap; Robert Meika, Chuuk; Tricia Eliou, Pohnpei; Magdalena Hallers, SOE Adjunct Professor; Pelsihner Elias, Partnership Advisor; and Amyleen Tom, Pohnpei (kneeling) take a group photo at the COM Commencement Ceremony held in Pohnpei on May 11, 2017.