Vision Title

Vision 2025: The University of Guam 21st Century Campus


University of Guam’s proposed Physical Master Plan is responds to 21st century needs combined with the goals of the University’s strategic initiatives. With your help, UOG’s physical facilities will be able accommodate the projected population of 5,000 students on-campus and another 5,000 online by 2025.

The University’s Physical Master Plan maps out a University that is the natural choice for Guam and the region; a UOG Green campus that creates, inspires, generates, and develops the sustainable culture of Guam and the region; and a University that leads change for Guam and the region as the nexus for information exchange, open discussion, and collaboration.

The UOG Capital Campaign is a giving opportunity that provides different levels and options to individuals and businesses who wish to pledge their support for the UOG Physical Master Plan. All money raised by the UOG Endowment Foundation for the Capital Campaign will be used to build your University of Guam of the Future. Biba UOG!

Download the Vision 2025 Physical Master Plan Executive Summary