Testing Doc
account: uog, site: www


Level 10 User

Level 6 User
password: Note: Please use another browser to test level 6 user. The testing doc does not currently work for levels 9 and below.

Templates (automatically generated)

Directory Variables at Site Level (automatically generated)

Name Default Value

Snippets by Category (automatically generated)

Assets (automatically generated)

Name Type DM Tag Tags Site Locked to Site Access Restrictions Description


Testing Steps
Verify that analytics.inc exists (usually in '/_resources/includes' directory) or code is directly included in xsl.
Verify that analytics.inc is properly included in templates (usually in common.xsl)
Verify that analytics.inc include is commented out in common.xsl until go live date


Note: Look for the following navigation types and see if supporting files exist (list them). Then test each navigation type by building out a multi-level directory and reviewing the published result.
  • Current[local] only navigation functions properly(at root for parent/current, without subdirectory for current/child)
  • Single level nesting is functioning properly
  • Multi-level nesting is functioning properly (if applicable)
  • Breadcrumb Navigation is working properly
  • Top Navigation is appearing and working correctly
Navigation Type
Side Navigation (_sidenav.inc and script if applicable)
Top Navigation
Breadcrumb Navigation
Local Section Navigation (Secondary Navigation)

Final Tasks

Testing Steps
Verify Search, WNL, RSS, and LDP are working per dev notes
Verify that DM is turned on and the site has been scanned
Verify that _sidenav.inc and other resource files are excluded from sitemap
Verify that robots.txt excludes _resources, _training, and _zztest and _demo from indexing
Delete all test assets and sections
Write additional comments in the section below

Create Image

(All tabs will be expanded and a screenshot will be generated beneath this text. May take several seconds to render.)
